W3Schools in English. Lessons for beginners

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About W3SchoolsRUS website (in Russian)

The W3Schools website in Russian is:

  • a site for those who want to learn how to create websites from scratch to a professional website or web application development;
  • translated into Russian and adapted for the Russian-speaking user a site based on the materials of the world's largest and most famous site for web developers -;
  • a free online resource that allows you to learn the basics of the most popular web technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, jQuery, W3.CSS, etc.;
  • a site made by a amateur for novice web developers using only HTML/CSS technologies as an example and tutorial for learning;
  • a site that is constantly updated and developed, becoming more and more popular among Russian-language resources of a similar subject.

What is W3SchoolsRUS (in Russian)?

The main principle and reason for creating this site is

There are many different web development training courses available on the Internet. Usually, courses are paid, but there are many sites that offer completely free lessons that almost anyone can study. There are many books on web design and web programming. Many of them are also available online for free download. There are many different video tutorials on YouTube that are also available to everyone.

As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities for self-education and obtaining the necessary knowledge now. And everyone can choose for themselves any of these learning methods, including gaining knowledge of web development.

One of the world's most popular online resources for teaching programming and web technologies is This site has online tutorials on technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, SQL, Bootstrap, Node.js, jQuery and more. The site is very popular in countries such as USA, Canada, India, Pakistan, Iran, Australia, UK. It is from these countries that most of the users of this Internet resource are. This site is not so popular among Russian-speaking users because it is English-speaking and currently does not have a Russian-language version. This causes obvious inconveniences for users who do not know (or know little) English. But the site itself is very user-friendly, informative and useful for teaching almost all major web technologies, especially for beginners.

And since I myself am a novice web developer who continues to study web technologies, and is interested in a more accessible and understandable presentation of educational materials, I decided to translate a popular educational Internet resource for web developers into Russian. First of all, I did it for my own convenience, but perhaps my work will also be useful to other users who want to learn web technologies on their own.

The site itself is a free and accessible educational resource for all users. I made the Russian-language version of this site just as accessible, which, of course, is not a complete copy, but has some additional materials and explanations from the author, since some materials on the original version of the site, in my opinion, for Russian-speaking users may not be are completely understandable and comprehensible. Therefore, I tried to adapt the site in Russian for Russian-speaking users, as well as make it more understandable for beginners who are trying to independently understand modern web technologies. If someone still does not understand some materials, names, terms, etc. on the Russian-language version of the site, then you can always refer to the original source - the original site and look at the text on it.

Among the online tutorials on the site are lessons on such web technologies as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, Bootstrap, etc. For those who are just starting to learn the web technology, it is recommended to undergo training in web technologies in this sequence, starting with the simplest markup language HTML, as well as styling web pages using cascading CSS style sheets. Only after having mastered these two web technologies, it is recommended to start learning more complex technologies, for example, programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Python (if necessary).

The main value of this resource is the information on the site itself, which can be useful to many novice web developers both for training and for work.

Good luck with your learning!

Admin site W3Schools in Russian

Where is the best place to learn the basics of web development? Free lessons in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, etc.

This video tutorial is intended for beginners looking to master the HTML markup language.

There are many online resources on the Internet for learning web development. The world's most popular free resource is Here is a Russian-language analogue of this site "W3Schools in Russian": w3schoolsRUS, which is maximally adapted for Russian-speaking users and is recommended for teaching such a web -technologies like: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, Bootstrap, etc.

On the W3Schools Russian website, you can take complete courses in all of the technologies listed. Free Tutorials will be useful for beginners, reference books will be useful for professional web programmers, web designers and web layout designers. All lessons on the site are also suitable for the little ones (children of primary school age, beginners), schoolchildren, students, because are laid out on the basis of the principle from simple to complex. Start learning the basics of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript for front-end developers. And then move on to the lessons on programming languages: PHP, SQL, Python for web programmers (backend developers).